Man in general, if reduced to himself, is too wicked to be free. - Joseph de Maistre
Wherever an altar is found, there civilization exists. - Joseph de Maistre
In [David] Douglas's success in life ... his great activity, undaunted courage, singular abstemiousness, and energetic zeal, at once pointed him out as an individual eminently calculated to do himself credit as a scientific traveler. - Joseph Dalton Hooker
A constitution that is made for all nations is made for none. - Joseph de Maistre
Every country has the government it deserves. - Joseph de Maistre
When you embrace the darkness within, you will always live in the light. - Joseph D'Lacey
It is to these two discoveries by that we owe the exactness of modern astronomy. .... This double service assures to their discoverer the most distinguished place (after Hipparchus and Kepler) above the greatest astronomers of all ages and all countries. Jean-Baptiste Joseph Delambre - Bradley
I do not know what the heart of a rascal may be, but I know what is in the heart of an honest man; it is horrible. - Joseph de Maistre
It is one of man's curious idiosyncrasies to create difficulties for the pleasure of resolving them. - Joseph de Maistre
I love when truth is stranger than fiction. It authenticates my wild imagination. - Joseph DiFrancesco